We Sail to CORSICA! Our World [...]
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Owner: Navika Sailing

We Sail to CORSICA! Our World Trip Begins | Ep.7


Location: Corsica
Latitude: 42.04000000
Longitude: 9.01000000
Published: 19 Oct 2020

Welcome back :) In this video, we finally set sail to Corsica - our first stop! We have a pretty smooth 24hr passage from mainland France (Antibes) to North West Corsica, and are blown away by Corsica's natural beauty and landscape. We stumble across some old ruins, and anchor in Scandola National Park for a perfect free-diving session. We finish up in Girolata, a cute village only accessible by boat and on foot and Lars installs our DIY guitar mount!

Thanks for watching! And subscribe if you'd like to support us :)

Hello! We're Alex and Lars. We live aboard our 37 foot sailboat, Navika, and are sailing full time. Follow along as we document the highs and lows of life on the water.

#sailing #sailorcouple #travel #sailboat #tayana37 #liveaboards



Hello! We're Alex and Lars. We live aboard our Tayana 37 sailboat, Navika, and are sailing full time as we teach yoga and meditation along the way. Follow along as we document the highs and lows of life on the water. Thanks for checking out our journey!

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* Spotify Playlist of Music from the Videos: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xKvsHS9yvvVs3NHPdJQdD?si=74d6bd090e2f4342

Music in this video:

Intro: Ahead of Me - HUFRIK (https://soundcloud.com/hufrik)
A Little Change of Pace - The Brook and the Bluff (Music Bed)
It'll Be Alright - Handsome and Gretyl (Music Bed)
Masks - The Brook and the Bluff (Music Bed)
Don't You Give Up - Dansu (Music Bed)
Hardest Part - Kaptan (Music Bed)
Rococo Call Waiting - Benjamin Love (Music Bed)
Anywhere We Go - Kaptan (Music Bed)
Outro: Ahead of Me - HUFRIK (https://soundcloud.com/hufrik)

