My boat is filling with water! [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

My boat is filling with water! #solosailor #selfdoubt


Location: Kyushu
Latitude: 32.59000000
Longitude: 130.80000000
Published: 23 Jan 2022

To be disabled at sea was unsettling in itself, but when i discovered my boat had a leak once in harbour, self-doubt flooded in.

This is an account of what happened on January 15, 2021. With only a 24 hour notice I had to change plans and rather than a 7 nm passage to the neighbouring island I had no choice but to sail 41 NM in a narrow weather window. Half way and while motor sailing, an unused fishing net got caught in my propeller. With time running out and only able to sail at 1 knot under sail, I had to alert the coast guard who came to assist. I did not know at that time that the Shaft Seal had been damaged by the incident and my boat was nearing a catastrophic event.

If like me, you are a Never-Too-Later, check out:

These videos are made possible by my Patrons: Trevor Webster, Steve Houck, Johny Gwin, Michael Coombs, Kats Honda, Michael Borgmann, Robin Mah, John King, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr,

Thanks to all those making this voyage possible:
Keel Club Founding Members: Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
And all my sponsors:
Premium Sponsors: UFC GYM Japan and GRHH
Tier One: Westlund Group, mackfilm LTD, Tokyo Super Cars, Foodsaver & VERSA
Tier Two: Dormeo, Merlin Solar. Upternes
Tier 3: GDI Communications, Rob Claar, The Aussies
Tier 4: Mike Alfant, Jim Weisser, Doug Hymas, Ted Carlson, Steve Houck,

and partial Sponsorship Satcom Global ( Iridium 9575) and DICS (Liferaft)

If you want to consider ways to support this project please visit:

Purchase Pacific Solo swag, track Wahine, and read my blog a​​​​​​

rescue, coast guard, sinking boat kyushu sailing safety

