Ep.260 On the beaten path | Gr [...]
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Ep.260 On the beaten path | Grand Cayman


Location: Grand Cayman
Latitude: 19.32000000
Longitude: -81.24000000
Published: 4 Sep 2020

We arrive to Grand Cayman Island and coincidentally there are 6 cruise ships here and everywhere is packed with humanity. This is not our usual path, exploring remote islands and living off the sea but it's in our route to Cuba, so we make the most of it. We take a day off and Margarida is in Margarida heaven with loads of shops and yummy food everywhere.
But that's not all, we have a relationship 101 moment and I give good advice to males out there about women speaking in code.

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Music Credits:
Ericka Corban - Round the Globe (https://www.youtube.com/erickacorban)
Epidemic Sound

