Wayag, the most stunning place [...]
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Owner: Sailing Learning By Doing

Wayag, the most stunning place on earth - Sailing Indonesia - Learning By Doing Ep 80


Location: Wayag Blue Lagon
Latitude: 0.16000000
Longitude: 130.05000000
Published: 8 Mar 2019

Ylva and I sail north, cross the equator into the northern hemisphere and spend an incredible week anchored nearly alone at Wayag Island. Wayag is very remote, almost impossibly beautiful, the water is very clear and the beaches are empty.
We get to know the crew aboard Nordkaperen, Denmarks most famous sailing boat. Its currently on its 6th circle of the planet and it was really interesting to hear some of the stories of this incredible ship.
#sailing #learningbydoing #RajaAmpat

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