TOP BEACH in the US Virgin Isl [...]
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Owner: Sailing Life on Mars

TOP BEACH in the US Virgin Islands for NATURE Lovers | Sailing Life on Mars V12


Location: Maho Bay Beach
Latitude: 18.36000000
Longitude: -64.75000000
Published: 29 May 2022

Hi everyone! Welcome back to our sailing vlog. We are going to show you the BEST beach in the US Virgin Islands and give you FIVE reasons why we think its the best one. Pack your beach bag, hop in the dinghy, and let's go explore.

We are so grateful to have this opportunity to travel with our children and explore the Caribbean. Although it is challenging at times, there are moments that are so rewarding, it makes it all worthwhile. I hope we captured some of those moments in this video.

Thanks for watching. Please leave us a comment or question on the video, and give us a like if you enjoy it. Subscribe for updates on new videos.


We're the Stevens family. We quit our jobs, sold everything we own, and bought a sailboat in a foreign country with very little sailing experience.

Our focus is to experience challenges together as a family, live a sustainable, off-grid existence on our boat, and enjoy adventures in new places.

We aren't rich, and won't be able to do this forever. So our time out here is limited, and we want our children to have an account of their adventures when they are older. Our sailing vlog serves as a record of this special time in our lives.

Join us as we navigate new waters in our Knysna 440 catamaran, and experience with us the ups and downs of learning to live the vagabond life.

F O L L O W O U R J O U R N E Y H E R E :

📱 I N S T A G R A M:

💌 M A I L:

💻 B L O G:

(Royalty free music)

#BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #TravelWithKids #OffGrid #FamilyTravel #StJohn #USVI #MahoBayBeach #MahoBay

