Diving the HMNZS Canterbury Wr [...]
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Owner: Sailing Rattler - Diving KissCCR - Sam McD

Diving the HMNZS Canterbury Wreck - 1 Deck Hanger to Cabin flat penetration dive


Location: Deep Water Cove
Latitude: -35.19000000
Longitude: 174.30000000
Published: 18 Oct 2020

After discovering this beautiful wreck in the Bay of Islands, I have been on a bit of a mission to try and see the whole thing....and video it all!

I found when I was cutting my teeth as a newby wreck diver that I felt a lot more comfortable when I knew where I was going. Hopefully these vids will provide people with a bit of forward route knowledge to help with their progression.

This is a very cool route through 1 deck from the Heli Hanger on the aft end of 1 deck, to the CO and offices cabin flat forward. The desk is around 28m deep so one of the shallower penetrations on the Canterbury.

I hope your enjoy, and don’t forget to subscribe for more dives through this wreck!
Music by Paul Keane – Mariana Trench

Special thanks to:
Northland Dive (well…. they organised, prepped, sunk and took us out to dive this boat, so ya gotta thank them!)
Steve Davis of Side Mount Pros for writing the book "The Canterbury Wreck - A Divers Guide" - inspiration for a number of these routes.

