DRAMA at SEA, we nearly LOST t [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Cordelia

DRAMA at SEA, we nearly LOST the KIDS! Ep.104 | SV Cordelia


Location: Carriacou Island
Latitude: 12.50000000
Longitude: -61.45000000
Published: 12 May 2023

We finish our time in Grenada, Carriacou and Sandy Island, but not before we nearly lost the kids. We head for Martinique & Guadeloupe, however first we clean up a bit of stainless, breakfast with the locals and deal with a drama at sea.
Finally, we set sail for Martinique to provision up before we head to Guadeloupe.
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Music: Intro music is Fly Free by Hartley, all other music from https://www.epidemicsound.com

If you want to help support our videos, we thank you very much. A one-off payment can be made via PayPal to asmoran@hotmail.co.uk

Our equipment consists of GoPro 10, Cannon Video Camera 80SD and a Galaxy Note 20.

We use FilmoraX & Davinci Resolve 18 to edit our films.

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