ON THE LOOKOUT: Sailing throug [...]
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Owner: Sailing Zatara

ON THE LOOKOUT: Sailing through Dangerous Waters (Ep 264)


Location: Strait of Gibraltar
Latitude: 36.00000000
Longitude: -5.69000000
Published: 30 Nov 2023

Even though killer whales have been known to attack, damage, and even sink boats in this area, we head straight into it with guns a-blazin!

Find the crew's channels here:
Finn: https://www.youtube.com/@FinnWhitaker
Glory: https://www.youtube.com/@glorysstories
Jack: https://www.youtube.com/@JackWhitakerLogs
Jadyn: https://www.youtube.com/@jadynmorse

Are you ready to change your life? https://www.bluewatercruisingplan.com/
Some products featured in this video may have been provided to us at a discounted rate or complimentary in exchange for conducting product reviews and/or showcasing them favorably on our YouTube channel for marketing purposes.

—BECOME A MEMBER OF THE Z-CREW! https://sailingzatara.com/members
—BUY A TICKET TO THE SHOW! https://sailingzatara.com/tickets
---GRAB SOME MERCH or BOAT GEAR: https://sailingzatara.com/shop
---WHAT CAMERAS DO WE USE? Find all my favorite filming gear here: https://sailingzatara.com/camera-gear

For personal inquiries, shoot us an email to info@sailingzatara.com

Happy Sailing!
Renee & the Z-Crew

Music In This Video:

Our Theme song: Float Away by Grabbitz provided by Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/
Find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzuSHCFQD7c

This music provided by Epidemic Sound ** Sign up for your FREE 7-DAY TRIAL YouTube subscription! http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL

Drop World by Pearce Roswell
View of the Park by Roots and Recognition
Duck in a Box by Jobii

00:00 Welcome to Orca Territory
13:05 Furler repairs
14:33 Gave fuel to stranded sailboat
18:09 Boat cleaning
20:56 Fishing & Dolphins

