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Owner: Sailing Zatara

WE SURVIVED THREE WEEKS AT SEA! Arriving into a new country 🗺 (Ep 174)


Location: Maldives
Latitude: 3.20000000
Longitude: 73.22000000
Published: 4 Nov 2021

After 18 days on the water, we finally arrive at the Maldives and get checked in, settled, and ready to explore!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoying our adventures. All episodes of our show are created exclusively by Renee, Keith, & the kids. If you’d like to support our efforts, go follow our journey on Facebook and Instagram, or check out one of the other ways you can share the love:

Are you ready to change your life? https://www.bluewatercruisingplan.com/
Some products featured in this video may have been provided to us at a discounted rate or complimentary in exchange for conducting product reviews and/or showcasing them favorably on our YouTube channel for marketing purposes.

—BECOME A MEMBER OF THE Z-CREW! https://sailingzatara.com/members

—BUY A TICKET TO THE SHOW! https://sailingzatara.com/tickets

---GRAB SOME MERCH or BOAT GEAR: https://sailingzatara.com/shop

---CAMERAS WE USE: https://sailingzatara.com/camera-gear

---OUR HOMESCHOOL: https://sailingzatara.com/homeschool

For personal inquiries, shoot us an email to info@sailingzatara.com

Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew

Music In This Video:

Our Theme song: Float Away by Grabbitz provided by Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/
Find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzuSHCFQD7c

This music provided by Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL
Blue Adrian by 369
Daydream by Luwaks
Flowers by Yomoti
Universe of the Dolphins by Trace Way
Mountain Air by Cody Francis

00:00 Welcome to the Maldives!
03:20 Get groceries, SIM cards, fuel
09:33 Snorkeling, Free diving
11:52 Move to new island


