We Tried Not to Let It Float A [...]
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Owner: Sailing Zatara

We Tried Not to Let It Float Away! ⚓️ (Ep 158)


Location: Western Australia
Latitude: -27.67000000
Longitude: 121.63000000
Published: 10 Jun 2021

Thanks for stopping by! All episodes of our show are created exclusively by Renee, Keith, & the kids. If you’d like to support our video-making efforts, check out one of the many ways you can share the love:

—BECOME A MEMBER OF THE Z-CREW! Get an early sneak peek at weekly vids, exclusive access to our private Facebook Group, and more! Click here to learn more: https://sailingzatara.com/members

—BUY A TICKET TO THE SHOW! What the heck are we talking about? Click here: https://sailingzatara.com/tickets

---REPRESENT! Show your love of the z-crew by sporting a super soft t-shirt or a FlexFit hat; help us get these kids off the boat and on to college! Find it all here: https://sailingzatara.com/shop **Now available: Hoodies, Totes, & Face Masks!

---FIND OUR FAVORITE PRODUCTS & BOAT GEAR! https://sailingzatara.com/shop Check out all the camera gear we use, find our favorite scuba equipment and kite gear, grab a pair of Keith’s Ray-Bans…and much more! We’ve teamed up with Amazon and several other major brands to provide you exactly what you’re looking for in one easy to navigate page: https://sailingzatara.com/shop

For personal inquiries, shoot us an email to info@sailingzatara.com

Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew

Music In This Video:

Our Theme song: Float Away by Grabbitz provided by Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/
Find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzuSHCFQD7c

This music provided by Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL
Samudra by Bonnie Grace
Me & You by Rambutan

Protofunk by Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

00:00 Welcome to our last show!
03:00 Breathtaking Anchorage
03:51 Storms & High Winds; Reset Anchor
06:47 Rough anchorage; reset anchor again
09:48 Let’s Go Kiting!
13:48 Reset anchor AGAIN!!
16:35 Let’s eat Fajitas!


