Ep. 10 - The Road to The Bucke [...]
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Owner: S/V Full Send

Ep. 10 - The Road to The Bucketlust (Culebra, St. Thomas, St. Martin)


Location: Sint Maarten
Latitude: 18.04000000
Longitude: -63.05000000
Published: 13 Mar 2019

We start heading back East towards St. Martin for The BucketLust's New Year's Eve route. We pick up a few friends in St. Thomas to make the passage with us, and have another run in with the Coast Guard. This time it's with the Dutch. Enjoy!!!

Huge THANKS to our Patrons for your continued support!!!

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, visit https://www.patreon.com/svfullsend . Your funds help keep the boat afloat and help us purchase more equipment to keep us safe along the way.

Edited/Narrated By: Kruger

Music: Matt & Kim - Daylight
Rudy Willingham - Without Your Love

The BucketLust Video by: Michael Vanaray @michaelvanarey @roamtravelpr

