Ep. 12 - Learning to Sail with [...]
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Owner: S/V Full Send

Ep. 12 - Learning to Sail with Sailing Virgins Part 2. (BVI)


Location: British Virgin Islands
Latitude: 18.42000000
Longitude: -64.64000000
Published: 3 Apr 2019

In this episode, we learn how to lasso a mooring ball, charting/determining our course, and practice docking/marina maneuvers. We head from Peter Island up to Virgina Gorda spending a night in Spanish town and Leverick Bay the following Day. Spirits are high and our confidence with ole S/V Full Send is growing with every lesson Rupert and Jack teach us!

Those looking to learn to sail, I cannot recommend Sailing Virgins more! Kruger took the same course in Seattle, and said this was like night and day with the level of instruction Sailing Virgins provided. Click the link below and check them out


Huge THANKS to our Patrons for your continued support!!!

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, visit https://www.patreon.com/svfullsend . Your funds help keep the boat afloat, help us purchase more equipment to keep us safe along the way, and help us to keep brining these episodes to YOU!

Edited by: Kruger
Music: Bob Marley - One Love
Temper Traps - Sweet Disposition
Chromeo - Come Alive (Grum Remix)
Zebra Dots - Walking on a Chance

