How it all went down. The Coro [...]
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Owner: The Sailing Family

How it all went down. The Coronavirus Episode. [πŸŽ₯54πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ]


Location: Great Barrier Island / Aotea
Latitude: -36.25000000
Longitude: 175.44000000
Published: 4 May 2021

Just days before one of the harshest lock downs in the world, we sail to Great Barrier Island off New Zealand's east coast. It was a beautiful place to be locked down, but we didn't know about the drama it would create as A LOT of boaters from Auckland decided to come join us, putting a strain on the local grocery stores and island facilities. The police crack down hard and we get permission to leave, only to be jumped on for moving by authorities halfway to our marina. It's a mess. What a crazy start to a crazy pandemic...

This video was shot last March & April. We are POSTING LIVE UPDATES ON SOCIAL:

Theme song by NZ based Dyalla Swain
All other musics from


ABOUT US: We are a family of five sailing around the world on our "dream boat," a performance catamaran named "Archer." Ten years ago B.K. ("before kids"), we sailed a Lagoon 380 named "Honeymoon" halfway around the world to Sydney, Australia. Along the way we shared our experiences via YouTube and, by happenstance, created one of the first "sailing channels." We also realized what an incredible experience we were having and that someday we wanted to do it again, only this time with kids.

OUR ROUTE has taken us from the Boston/Cape Cod area of the United States down to the Caribbean and through the Panama Canal. We have dealt with massive repairs in the South Pacific, the Coronavirus lock down in New Zealand, a Category 5 Cyclone in Fiji, and now we are cruising in Covid Free Australia. Videos for all of this to come!

FAQ: More questions? What Cameras do we use? What's our budget? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page on our website at:

PLEASE COMMENT!: As a "family channel," we are required by Google to actively monitor all comments, but we still want to hear from you. Tell us what you think!

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