Preparing for a storm at ancho [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Preparing for a storm at anchor! | The Seasons are changing fast! #44


Location: Montenegro
Latitude: 42.71000000
Longitude: 19.37000000
Published: 21 Apr 2023

Having had a glassy sail to Montenegro, our winter destination, we had a month at anchor before our winter berth at Porto Montenegro marina. The season was beginning to change with storms forecast so we prepared the boat, lashing the headsail and moving to a secure anchorage. In between the stormy weather fronts we had some stunning weather and took the opportunity to anchor in some stunning spots and explore some Montenegrin treasures.

#lifeonaboat #liveaboard #sailboat #sailing #raymarineuk #liveaboardsailboat #sailaroundtheworld #storm #anchor #sailingseason

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