A Day Sail on Our Seawind 1600 [...]
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Owner: Harbors Unknown

A Day Sail on Our Seawind 1600 Catamaran + Testing the Gori Propeller | Harbors Unknown Ep. 17


Location: Fort Lauderdale
Latitude: 26.12000000
Longitude: -80.14000000
Published: 5 Feb 2021

A Day Sail on Our Seawind 1600 Catamaran + Testing the Gori Propeller | Harbors Unknown Ep. 17

The dawn of a new day. New possibility, new experiences. We begin each day anew with the opportunity to make it the best day yet.

We were untying the lines to head out for a day sail along the Fort Lauderdale coast on our Seawind 1600 catamaran. We also wanted to test the Gori folding propeller and understand the difference in performance between regular mode and overdrive mode.

Documenting our time here in Ft. Lauderdale has given me a new appreciation for the city. We are so lucky to be here right now. With the intercoastal, the canals and the ocean, it’s such a beautiful, small city and wonderful backyard to play in.

Our boat has a Gori Folding Propeller with a special overdrive mode. We are going to compare the gori propeller performance in regular mode and overdrive mode at 3 different rpm’s; 1500, 1700 and 2,000. To go into overdrive mode put the boat in neutral, then reverse and the boat must actually move in reverse through the water then shift into forward. We found a speed increase of half to one knot plus reduced vibration, engine noise, and fuel consumption.

Luckily the wind picked up a bit and we were able to practice some sail trimming on a beautiful sunset sail.

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If you're new here, Harbors Unknown is the story of two dreamers, Kristin and Fabio Potenti, and our French Bulldog dog Yoda. We sold our home at the beginning of the pandemic and moved aboard our Seawind 1600 catamaran, Wanderlust. We plan to sail her to Harbors Unknown, and explore the world’s vast cultures through food, a common thread amongst people everywhere. Connecting with people and places through the local cuisine, and showing how those dishes can be cooked on a boat with limited space and resources. Naturally, we’ll also share the adventures of boat life and how it’s possible to live an alternative lifestyle that provides freedom and fulfillment. Click the subscribe button to join our journey.

Our Video Production Gear:
Main camera: https://amzn.to/3ik0LSu
Main Lens: https://amzn.to/2LByP0j
Gimbal: https://amzn.to/3igBFDI
Microphone: https://amzn.to/3bHOvd3
Wireless Microphone: https://amzn.to/3iZstUW
Action Cam: https://amzn.to/39F6TAR
Drone: https://amzn.to/2LSZ5TE
Light: https://amzn.to/3bIPNog
Computer: https://amzn.to/2XKfJYo
Monitor: https://amzn.to/3nOpKOT

For daily updates follow us on social media!
IG: https://www.instagram.com/harborsunknown
FB: https://www.facebook.com/HarborsUnknown
AND TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@harborsunknown

Music is from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/qvrz67/

00:00-00:20 Episode Intro
00:21-00:55 Channel Intro
00:56-04:47 Heading out to Sea
04:48-05:55 Testing the Gori Propeller Overdrive Mode
05:56-14:20 A Sunset Sail by Fort Lauderdale

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