YACHT LIFE: How To Anchor a Bo [...]
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Owner: Kristina's Travels

YACHT LIFE: How To Anchor a Boat ⚓


Location: Australia
Latitude: -25.27000000
Longitude: 133.78000000
Published: 5 Feb 2022

⚓ HOW TO ANCHOR A BOAT ⚓ We give some tips on scope required, best surfaces to drop anchor, reversing on anchor and we also share our experience using a stern anchor.
We'd love to hear your feedback and if you found this useful.

0:00 INTRO: How To Anchor A Boat
0:45 How much anchor chain do you need?
1:15 How to choose a spot to anchor in
2:15 Determine the best water depth under your boat
2:52 Calculate the correct amount of anchor scope
4:48 Always set the anchor (reverse on your anchor)
5:02 Question about rode! Do you use it?
6:10 How to use a stern anchor

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During harsh covid lockdowns in Australia, John and Kristina purchased a 50ft Jeanneau Sun Odyssey with just a few weeks sailing experience. They set sail in June 2021 and sailed north to the Great Barrier Reef in just 4 weeks. Their real journey starts now...

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