Exploring the Gem of the Balea [...]
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Owner: Navika Sailing

Exploring the Gem of the Balearics (Menorca) | Ep 21


Location: Mahón
Latitude: 39.89000000
Longitude: 4.26000000
Published: 19 Mar 2021

Hola from Menorca! In this video, we spend a few days in Mahon, the capital of Menorca, and learn all about its rich history (including some fun facts like that mayonnaise originated here)! We do a big food shop and track down a metal worker to help us fix our vang (that broke on our passage across from Sardinia).

We fall in love with the city, the beauty of the architecture and the people we meet there. We tap and drill new holes in the mast for the fixed vang piece and once finished we sail down to the southern coast of the island - which is home to some of the most beautiful anchorages we’ve seen so far. We pick up some friends of ours and sail to the stunning Cala Coves and explore the caves the bay has.

Thanks for watching! Subscribe if you'd like to support us :)

#sailing #menorca #balearics #sailingeurope



Hello! We're Alex and Lars. We live aboard our Tayana 37 sailboat, Navika, and are sailing full time as we teach yoga and meditation along the way. Follow along as we document the highs and lows of life on the water. Thanks for checking out our journey!

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* Spotify Playlist of Music from the Videos: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7xKvsHS9yvvVs3NHPdJQdD?si=74d6bd090e2f4342

Music in this video:

Hello Honey - Ivory Hours (MusicBed)
Brazil - Blake Ewing (MusicBed)
Give me Time - Cereus Bright (MusicBed)
On our Way - Park (MusicBed)
Echoes - Chris Mazuera (MusicBed)
Float - HUFRIK (https://soundcloud.com/hufrik)
Outro: Ahead of Me - HUFRIK (https://soundcloud.com/hufrik)

