SAILING up the AFRICAN coast!! [...]
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Owner: Outside Watch - SV Skylark

SAILING up the AFRICAN coast!! + Micalene joins the CREW! - Outside Watch Vlog #20


Location: South Atlantic Ocean
Latitude: -33.72000000
Longitude: -16.00000000
Published: 12 Jun 2022

We're back in civilization so our videos will be more frequent once again! In this video our former co-worker and friend, Micalene joins the crew and we set off on a 500 mile sail from Cape Town to Luderitz, Namibia. This is our first leg in our south Atlantic Ocean adventure. It was amazing having Micalene join because as you will see, she brings a lot of life on board Skylark! You will be seeing more of her in future vlogs.

Real Time Update:
We have reached Salvador, Brazil! After months of near isolation (St Helena and Ascension) it was sensory overload as we sailed into this mega city. In our last video description I explained our lack of internet situation. Thankfully this is no longer a problem here in Brazil so we have lots of videos coming so stay tuned!

Instagram - @chrislikins

