Installing a Hydrovane #solosa [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

Installing a Hydrovane #solosailor #selfsteering #DIY


Location: Tokyo
Latitude: 35.68000000
Longitude: 139.77000000
Published: 3 Jun 2020

I am a step closer to my goal of sailing solo across the Pacific. I've completed the installation of new and permanent crew member "Skylie II," my new hydrovane. The hydrovane will act similar to an autopilot, and is a relatively simple device that frees me from the helm and keeps me on course.

I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends. A big thank you to Bobby Marinkovic who led the installation, Rick Pawell and Claude Strobbe who also assisted, and Miho Nakashima who took photos, videos, and coordinated pizza.

Wow it feels good to have completed this step. Now, onto blue water!

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Thank you to the Keel Club Founding Members:
Harry A. Hill / BetterU
Tokyo Supercars
Westlund Group

