12 things to check before goin [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

12 things to check before going offshore


Location: Tokyo Disneyland
Latitude: 35.63000000
Longitude: 139.88000000
Published: 16 Nov 2020

Is my Gib'Sea 402 safe for an ocean crossing?

A major -- and perhaps obvious -- part of my preparations to set sail across the Pacific alone on SV Wahine is ensuring that she's safe for offshore sailing and can handle the long journey in the open waters of the Pacific. n

These are a dozen points that I must consider:
- Size
- Hull Design
- Capsizing Risk
- Sail Configuration/Power
- Solar and Battery Power
- The Hydrovane
- The Comfort Ratio
- Handholds
- Sleeping Configuration
- Cooking and Eating/Drinking
- Risk of Falling Overboard
- Electronics

In this video, I go over these points and address how my Gib'Sea 402 -- SV Wahine -- measures up for each. I don`t claim to be an expert but step by step I am seeking to address concerns and mitigate risk. I have lived on Wahine now for 15 months and just 7 months to go before I leave Tokyo for Vancouver.

Please comment with your thoughts or questions! Thank you for watching!

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Thank you to the Keel Club Founding Members:

Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
and our Patrons: Trevor Webster, Johny Gwin, Nemanja Komatinovic, Robin Mah, John King, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr


Thanks to the Kickstarter Backers who made this episode possible.
Producers: Ted Carlson and Steve Houck
Senior Associate Producers: Miyu Suzuki, James McNally, and Kande Sheppard
Associate Producers: Jason Huberts, Out of the Box Cards, BENJAMIN ABADIANO, Brent Ewasiuk, Josh Gill, Larry Bates, Dave Enright

( travel vlog, sailing, Pacific Solo, sailing solo, sailing vlog, yachting, boating solo sailing )

