Stuck in Neutral! #solosailo [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

Stuck in Neutral! #solosailor #shifter


Location: Nagasaki
Latitude: 32.75000000
Longitude: 129.88000000
Published: 8 Jan 2022

I don’t know which I love more …. Being in Japan or being part of the sailing community … yesterday morning I threw the lines at Dejima to begin to make my way to Goto when I discovered my shifter would not budge. I was able to secure the boat and immediately phoned my go to guy for things mechanical … Anthony … with his guidance I began to eliminate possible causes ( something caught in the prop, gearbox oil etc) and finally determined the problem was in the shifter. But I could not get the shifter apart and was growing frustrated. The marina mechanic said he could not come to take a look until February …. I told Tony that I may put an appeal out for help on this group ( sailing in Japan) when I bumped into Jin! I had met him once before … he is a builder of reed boats … and completed two ocean passages in them ( Pacific and Atlantic ) and now preparing his 30 foot Yamaha for a solo crossing to California this year. He immediately came to my boat and brought tools … but after two hours we could not get it apart … so he phoned a guy, who phoned a guy who phoned a guy who said he would be there in 30 minutes. He not only came but the other guys arrived too and by the evening my shifter was fixed! I tried to pay but they refused. They said they were helping a fellow seaman! This morning I left with no problems !!!!

If like me, you are a Never-Too-Later, check out:

These videos are made possible by my Patrons: Trevor Webster, Steve Houck, Johny Gwin, Michael Coombs, Kats Honda, Michael Borgmann, Robin Mah, John King, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr,

Thanks to all those making this voyage possible:
Keel Club Founding Members: Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
And all my sponsors:
Premium Sponsors: UFC GYM Japan and GRHH
Tier One: Westlund Group, mackfilm LTD, Tokyo Super Cars, Foodsaver & VERSA
Tier Two: Dormeo, Merlin Solar. Upternes
Tier 3: GDI Communications, Rob Claar, The Aussies
Tier 4: Mike Alfant, Jim Weisser, Doug Hymas, Ted Carlson, Steve Houck,

and partial Sponsorship Satcom Global ( Iridium 9575) and DICS (Liferaft)

If you want to consider ways to support this project please visit:

Purchase Pacific Solo swag, track Wahine, and read my blog a​​​​​​
