Tips for Offshore Sailing - Ho [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

Tips for Offshore Sailing - How to Stay Safe


Location: Fukuoka City Yacht Harbor
Latitude: 33.59000000
Longitude: 130.31000000
Published: 5 Jun 2022

Marijke and Jaap Mulder have spent their adult lives largely at sea having extensive passage experience and being long term live-aboards in the Netherlands, New Zealand and Japan. Even when they tour on land they inhabit a camper van, another tiny space.

In their early twenties they built a boat, set sail across the Atlantic with limited experience and learning along the way, including the sextant, with the view of connecting with Jaap`s Sister and her husband who were also building a boat in NZ. Eventually they were able to find each other in Fiji and after cruising together as buddy boats for a month they made their way to NZ where they heard about a sponsored Yacht Race from Auckland to Fukuoka Japan.

In 2002 they moved from SY Jan Haring (34 ft homebuilt) to SY Alishan (43 ft Taswell).
Listen to their story and take note of the tips he offers. I certainly have. For one I am trying to be tidier!

Here is the link to their blog if you are interested to get to them more and follow along their remarkable life's journey

To Track Wahine go to
If you are also a never-too- later check out the free resources at

These videos are made possible by my Patrons: Trevor Webster, Steve Houck, Johny Gwin, Michael Coombs, Kats Honda, Michael Borgmann, Robin Mah, John King, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr,

Thanks to all those making this voyage possible:
Keel Club Founding Members: Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
And all my sponsors:
Premium Sponsors: UFC GYM Japan and GRHH
Tier One: Westlund Group, mackfilm LTD, Tokyo Super Cars, Foodsaver & VERSA
Tier Two: Dormeo, Merlin Solar. Upternes
Tier 3: GDI Communications, Rob Claar, The Aussies
Tier 4: Mike Alfant, Jim Weisser, Doug Hymas, Ted Carlson, Steve Houck,

and partial Sponsorship Satcom Global (Iridium 9575) and DICS (Life raft)

#sextant #yachtracing #liveaboard

