Putting the Me in Mexico - Par [...]
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Owner: Sailing Cosmic Debris

Putting the Me in Mexico - Part II


Location: Pacific Ocean
Latitude: 39.31000000
Longitude: -123.84000000
Published: 24 Mar 2023

With many miles, one Canadian province, and two US states behind them, Captain Ron and First Mate Wendi continue their offshore voyage down the North American west coast aboard Cosmic Debris. They take on Cape Mendocino and watch a feeding frenzie involving blue whales and dolphins, and are even graced with a visit from David Attenborough. Well, not really, and we should probably apologize to the people of Great Britain. Please don't judge us harshly and please remember the words of Oscar Wilde, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
We humbly bow to your Greatness, Britain.

Join us for the single biggest trip of our lives.
We are Wendi (First Mate) and Ron (Captain of sorts),
Our Castle, a boat;
The ocean, our moat;
Our dreams and ambitions keep us afloat
We're Sinners of the Seas,
Sailing for the Craic,
Sailing for the Tiki Bar and won't be comin' back

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