2 Weeks On The Boat Yard (& GO [...]
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Owner: Sailing NOHMA

2 Weeks On The Boat Yard (& GOING UP The Mast) | Ep. 41


Location: Sopromar centro náutico de Lagos Lda.
Latitude: 37.11000000
Longitude: -8.67000000
Published: 11 May 2021

They immediately started working on our boat while we were still on the boatlift. They disassembled the sail drive and took it to the workshop to clean and inspect it.
Once the parts were cleaned we could clearly see a vertical line running along the length of the drive shaft, so that’s what was causing the oil and water to mix. Yanmar was going to send us two new drive shafts. So we would be staying here for a few more days.

Since we would be there for a while it was time to give the children the promised Halloween party. Liam and Sky made some scary decorations and we went grocery shopping for the necessary supplies for their scary menu. This was even more challenging this time because everything had to get up the ladder to get it on board. But the Halloween party was a lot of fun and afterwards, we watched the movie ‘A nightmare before Christmas’ before going to bed.

While we were out of the water we inspected the bottom and discovered that our starboard rudder was loose so this had to get repaired as well.

We had also noticed that our main halyard was chafed at the top and needed to be fixed. That meant that someone had to go up the mast to loosen the halyard on the top. It was a bit scary but I did it. I took me a long time to get the pin out because I didn’t have the correct tools but I refused to go down again without succeeding in this task.
We had to cut off a piece of the line to make a new splice. And since we had never done this before we first practised on two other lines, which worked well. Splicing the main halyard was a lot more difficult tough, probabely because this line had become rigid with use. It took some brute force, a hammer and a winch but we made it work.

We also managed to clean the hulls and do some other boat works in between the rain showers. Like finally putting the NOHMA stickers up. Sven did a great job, I love the result!!

We quickly got used to life on the boatyard. Allthough it did have its disadvantages. We could not use any water on board during the day because whoever walked under the boat would get a shower. And we also couldn’t use our toilets for such a long time. Luckily Sopromar had new, clean toilet and bathroom facilities.

The noise on the boatyard during the day wasn’t that pleasant either but at least we had some rest during the weekends. And we were happy that the centre of Lagos was within walking distance and the beach was just next to the boatyard where we could go to relax when the weather was nice.
Overall we were very happy during our stay at Sopromar. The facilities are great and the staff is very skilled.
Sopromar has a huge chandelier shop. The staff is very friendly and they have the knowledge to help you with anything you might need.
The kids had a lot of fun testing the different anchors. They concluded that we had the perfect anchor.

Another thing we discovered was that our AIS wasn’t working. That meant that we had sailed all the way here without knowing we didn’t have any AIS. Lagoon sent us a new AIS transponder that Sven installed and programmed.

The boat yard parrots are a real hit, they were very entertaining, the kids could stand there looking at them for hours.

When the new drive shafts arrived after 2 weeks they were immediately inspected and installed.

The final thing they had to do now was replace the teflon rudder glider and then we were ready to go back in the water. Luckily that went a lot smoother than the haul out. It was great to be back in the water!!

Next week we’ll sail to Vilamoura for some more boat works.
They are going to take off our mast! Make sure you don’t miss it by SUBSCRIBING to our channel.
Thank you for watching!! Don’t forget to LIKE and leave a COMMENT.

00:00 Opening the drive shaft
00:54 Driveshaft inspection
01:18 Waking up at the boat yard
02:03 Tina is going up the mast
04:12 Lagos beach
05:51 Drone images over the beach
07:04 Provisioning
08:56 Rope splicing
11:16 Hot pepper eating challenge
15:24 Installing and programming AIS
17:12 Boat yard parrots
17:35 Replacing the driveshafts and seals
18:40 Back in the water
19:07 Halloween party

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