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Owner: Sailing PILAR - Blue Dot Voyages



Location: Edisto Island
Latitude: 32.55000000
Longitude: -80.30000000
Published: 3 Jun 2023

#catamaransailing #leopard48catamaran #sailing #wherethecrawdadssing #EdistoIsland

The beauty of the #lowcountry is something I had never set eyes on until my late 40s. Stephen on the other hand has been familiar with it since childhood.

Live Oaks with mysterious curved branches dripping with Spanish moss.
Salt air worn creek homes.
Tidal floating docks full of fishing supplies and crab pots.
Open marshes stretching as far as the eye can see.
Tidal creeks that are “now you see them, now you don’t” with our 6 ft average tides.
Salt water preserved driftwood trees.
Palmettos mixed in here and there.

In the months that have an R in them, September through April, you can even harvest your own oysters in public beds - enough for personal use for the evenings appetizers. Usually viewable at mid-tide, healthy oyster banks can sometimes be seen spitting as they filter the water of algae. It’s a sight to behold.

The ability to just stop and watch the wildlife is a true treasure. Marsh Hens bathing in the marsh. Fiddler crabs doing their thing.

Of course, we can’t forget the dolphins, everyones’ favorite. The Kiawah/Seabrook Island SC area is one of the few places they can be seen strand feeding - coraling the fish towards shore, so they can feast.

And then there are the uninhabited marsh islands. Hundreds of them. Often protected habitats and preserves, these islands are often available for hiking and are the perfect place to experience nature at its most untouched.

Fenwick Island is just one example. Many of these islands used to be inhabited, mostly for farming, but times changed.

The area around the North Edisto River is a treat for all those who appreciate the life and the beauty of the marsh. It is “Where the Crawdads Sing" the phrase that Delia Owens' own mother used to say while she was growing up, which means a place that is far from modern society, or to depart into nature. And just like the story of the Marsh Girl Kya, it is only by understanding the nature of low country and the ebb and flow of the tides - can one truly appreciate the laws of nature.

Quotes from Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Marsh is not a swamp
People forget about the creatures who live in shells.
In the marsh, sometimes you can feel so invisible you wonder if you are there at all.
The only constant in nature is change.
The marsh was our secret.
The marsh knows all about death and doesn’t necessarily define it as a tragedy.

The descendants of this country’s earliest residents are fun to watch - birds like herons, egrets, spoonbills and storks, snakes, armadillos, and of course the alligator.

And the ocean. Unpredictable and full of life. An afternoon sailing shows the true power of wind, water and waves and earns it the respect of all who venture out. Catching a glimpse of a shrimp boat on the horizon is something not to miss.

And what better way to enjoy it than quietly paddleboarding (with the current) in the river.

And catching a fish for your dinner.

0:00 Introduction
0:08 Marsh tour
1:26 Oyster spitting
2:05 Marsh Hen bathing
2:26 Fiddler Crab fiddling
2:44 Dolphins strand feeding
3:45 Fenwick Island
7:45 Back to the Ocean
8:40 Paddleboarding N. Edisto River
9:35 Flounder catch

Audiio.com - Long Drive Through The Desert - Coastlands

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FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/bluedotvoyages
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bluedotvoyages.sailingpilar




Blue Dot Voyages is a Sailing Adventure Company. On our Leopard48 Sailing Catamaran PILAR, we sail, fish, snorkel, scuba, and we offer travel advice on our blog and vlog. We offer charter sailing experience trips when we can. Watch our videos and live vicariously through us!

Master Captain: Stephen Bell
First Officer: Dawn Bell
