We Made It! Sailing BAJA Mexic [...]
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Owner: Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde

We Made It! Sailing BAJA Mexico | Loreto and the INCREDIBLE Isla Coronados - Ep. 79


Location: Loreto
Latitude: 26.01000000
Longitude: -111.35000000
Published: 24 Aug 2024

ahhhhh! The sweetness of warm sunny days, incredibly scenic anchorages, crazy amounts of wildlife, and great locals. After 4 months of questing from the Pacific Northwest, we revel in the specular places we have got to.

We leave the popular marina and mooring field of Puerto Escondido behind and head for the gorgeous Isla Carmen, where we unwind and relax for a few days. A short sail brings us across to the rightfully popular Isla Coronados. Chilling, beach walking, and a hike up the old volcano are savoured as Kat's brother Loren enjoys his last couple of days aboard SDOC. Another short sail brings up back to Loreto where we say fair well to Loren.

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