Ep 83 I BROKE my ARM on the B [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Cordelia

Ep 83 I BROKE my ARM on the BOAT | SV Cordelia


Location: Majorca
Latitude: 39.70000000
Longitude: 3.02000000
Published: 30 Sep 2022

We visit the most tranquil beautiful anchorage in Mallorca having had a hairy sail and not being able to enter Sollar.
We're in the Balearics during the summer holiday period and the anchorages are pretty busy, however we manage to find a few that are just perfect.
Steve has an accident on the dinghy and is helped out by fellow cruisers, which we are not sure is right or wrong.
Hope you enjoy. Please share, like and comment ❤️⛵️
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Music: Intro music is Fly Free by Hartley, all other music from https://www.epidemicsound.com

If you want to help support our videos, we thank you very much. A one-off payment can be made via PayPal to asmoran@hotmail.co.uk

Our equipment consists of GoPro 4 & 8, Cannon Video Camera 80SD and a Galaxy Note 10.

We use FilmoraX to edit our films.

