Celestial Nav with a Sextant- [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Delos

Celestial Nav with a Sextant- How far off were we? (Part 3 of 6) SV Delos Ep 341


Location: Atlantic Ocean
Latitude: -14.60000000
Longitude: -28.67000000
Published: 29 Oct 2021

Have you ever hand steered by the stars and fixed your position with a sextant? It's day 3 and Delos is gliding along under perfect conditions. We're hit by a squall under pink silhouetted skies, but it only makes the experience more beautiful. The crew tries hand steering at night by the stars and really begins to understand why sailing can be described as meditative. The next day I break out our sextant and we begin by taking a series of sightings with one purpose- see just how close we can get to our actual GPS position using old navigation techniques that are centuries old. Guess how far off we were?

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