REUNITED! These Brothers Saile [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Delos

REUNITED! These Brothers Sailed Around The World For 10 YEARS Together! Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 413


Location: The Sea of Cortez
Latitude: 26.23000000
Longitude: -111.04000000
Published: 19 May 2023

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The Band is BACK TOGETHER! Just in case some of you are newer followers and haven't watched our earlier videos, long before little Sierra was running around the boat, and even before I laid eyes on my beautiful Swedish princess Kazza for the first time, my brother Brady was a part of the Delos story. We had a run of about 10 years living, traveling, working, drinking, and running amok together on the high seas. From crashing weddings in India, diving with sharks in the most remote corners of the ocean, equator crossing ceremonies on multiple occasions, an unspeakable amount of all nighters, and literally thousands of other memories and moments together (too many of which are not appropriate to share 😂 ) we truly shared more than most brothers could ever dream of...Brady was even the officiant at me and Kazza's wedding.

But eventually the time came for our lives to keep going on their own paths. And after more than 3 years, we were finally reuniting in Mexico, and this time Brady and Blue were on their own boat with Sharki the wonder dog in tow. We only got to spend a few days together because the weather really wasn't cooperating with us, but man was it one of the most special moments ever. I'm so incredibly proud of everything we have both accomplished together and apart, and no matter how much time and distance separates us, he will always be my best friend. We hope you enjoy this little glimpse into this special time with family :)

Watch our 4 part docu-series:
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