WEAPONS OUT & Piracy Counterme [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Delos

WEAPONS OUT & Piracy Countermeasures at Sea (Part 4 of 6) SV Delos Ep 342


Location: Bajo Nuevo Bank
Latitude: 15.87000000
Longitude: -78.67000000
Published: 5 Nov 2021

Prepare to be boarded! What if the worst nightmare suddenly became a reality? How would you react if you were boarded? It's day 5 at sea and we're approaching a critical point in our passage. Our mission thus far is to make as much progress to the East as possible. There are two reasons for this. 1) It puts us further away from the Nicaragua coast and the piracy problems that have plagued these waters. 2) Improves our angle to the wind and comfort level once we turn South towards Panama. As we near our turn I take the crew aside for a briefing about the research Karin and I have done on this area. We talk about our sailing tactics, going dark at night, and how to best prepare ourselves should our worst possible nightmare become a reality.

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