#BoatLife - Christmas on a boat! [π₯16π¦π¬]
This is a personal video for us, but we thought we'd still post it. This is what Christmas is like on a boat! It was great to have Seth's parents visiting so they could see the boys excitement (and we kinda needed their help schlepping presents to Antigua!) - Thank you Nana and Papa for visiting!!!
Welcome aboard. We are a family of five sailing around the world on our "dream boat," a performance catamaran named "Archer."
Ten years ago, before kids, we sailed a Lagoon 380 named "Honeymoon" halfway around the world from the East Coast of the US to Sydney, Australia. Along the way we shared our experiences with family and friends via YouTube, and by happenstance created the first "sailing channel." But more than anything, we realized what an incredible experience that first trip was and that someday we wanted to do it again, only this time with our kids.
We want to share with them the importance of taking time to be with family. To show them a world outside of the one they grew up in. We want them to appreciate how lucky we are to experience (and to care for) the natural beauty of this world. But mostly we want to spend time with our kids during these formative years and create lasting memories as a family. That's why we are "The Sailing Family."
SETH learned to sail with his family on Lake St. Clair, Michigan when he was 12. Later in life he raced on multiple one-design boats in the San Francisco Bay and in Cape Cod. But the dream of sailing around the world really took hold during a bareboat vacation to the BVIs with his family when he saw other cruisers living and traveling full time aboard their sailboats. All he needed now was a willing partner and co-captain! In 2008, Seth & Elizabeth got married and for their honeymoon they bought a boat, named her "Honeymoon" and the rest is history!
ELIZABETH was new to sailing when they started off, but she's always loved to travel. 25,000 nautical miles later she is now an accomplished sailor, and despite being prone to seasickness, she values the experiences she can share with her boys.
During their first trip she came up with the idea of Vacay, a resort-wear clothing brand perfect for sailors as all her items are designed to mix-and-match to create multiple looks. 5 items can create up to 15 outfits! It's been so successful that she quit her job at GAP Inc and now works full-time from the boat to build her business. Check out www.vacaystyle.com and support her if you can.
OUR BOYS were a little reluctant to leave our home in Mill Valley, CA, but now that we are in the groove we plan to keep going. They miss their friends but also appreciate the life experiences they are gaining. Hale loves baseball, Rhys is our Lego engineer and Pierce's nickname is "Pierce-Fierce" (as we think he's been raised by wolves). They're great kids and best friends, which makes living on a boat with them a true joy.
OUR BOAT is a Ferrari red 2014 Outremer 51 performance cruising catamaran. We chose this boat as it has been specifically designed for the purpose of bluewater sailing. It was designed and built to withstand the stress of sailing multiple times around the world safely and in comfort. It's also a speed demon, which is important when you want to cover large distances of water before the weather changes. Lastly, it's backed by the manufacturer with outstanding customer service and aftermarket support, so we believe she will hold her value well. And, she's nice on the eyes too.
OUR ROUTE has taken us from the Boston/Cape Cod area of the United States down to the Caribbean and then on to the Panama Canal. At the time of posting this we are dealing with a repair in the South Pacific, and in 2020 we hope to be in New Zealand and Southeast Asia. By 2021 we will be in the Med and close to completing our circumnavigation.
THANKS for watching all. Please leave a comment to tell us what you think and let us know if you have questions. And Subscribe!