Walkthrough Tour of Our Founta [...]
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Owner: WEsail

Walkthrough Tour of Our Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 Catamaran | Episode 142


Location: Baja California
Latitude: 30.84000000
Longitude: -115.28000000
Published: 9 Feb 2022

Welcome Aboard VA! We want to finally share with you our new floating home for real. It's been a couple months since we have fully move aboard our new boat and now feel like its time to show you the whole boat.

Here is our walkthrough video of our Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 catamaran. We do a little comparison between our old Fountaine Pajot Lipari 41 and the Helia 44 models, and why we ultimately went with a little bigger boat.

We are thrilled to welcome you aboard VA and show you around!

Thanks for following the adventures of WE!

Songs Featured in this Episode come from Epidemic Sounds:

Want some WE|Sail Merch??? Check out the WE|Sail $WAG $TORE

Thanks for watching and DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!!!!

CONSIDER BECOMING ONE OF OUR PATREONS REMEMBER...you are not supporting our lifestyle but more or less enjoying a really good show. So pop the popcorn, dim the lights, and sit back enjoy the show! Since you can't go to the movies at the moment, this should be the next best thing:) www.patreon.com/wesail


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