WE Sail to Belize | Part 2 | E [...]
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Owner: WEsail

WE Sail to Belize | Part 2 | Episode 36


Location: Banco Chinchorro
Latitude: 18.59000000
Longitude: -87.32000000
Published: 20 Nov 2019

This is part 2 of the 3 part series of our sailing adventures to Belize. On this episode of WE|Sail, we find ourselves hosting the sails and heading south through our first atoll. We end up zigging and zagging through this uncharted reef off the coast of Mexico and Belize.

It was some great sailing paired with some sketchy moments trying to navigate through a maze of coral reef heads. We finally reach then end of the atoll just in time to anchor for a passing squall.

WE hope you enjoy this episode.

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