Up, up and away! Lifting the b [...]
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Owner: Follow Intrepid Bear

Up, up and away! Lifting the boat out in Montenegro and riding a zip line. #45


Location: Montenegro
Latitude: 42.71000000
Longitude: 19.37000000
Published: 5 May 2023

Before we settle in to the marina for winter at Porto Montenegro we have some boat work to do so get our sailboat lifted out before setting off to explore this beautiful country and have a first go at zip lining - what could possibly go wrong?

We start the episode with a quick trip to some Cold War submarine tunnels and a look round inside a Yugoslav sub before heading to the boatyard. With Raymarine U.K. sponsorship we’re fitting some new electronics and need to fit a new transducer.

Once relaunched we take a road trip to explore some of the beautiful country that Montenegro is and head up into the mountains. At the Tara river bridge over the world’s second deepest gorge Kate has her first ever go at zip lining……let’s just say it doesn’t end as she expected!

#lifeonaboat #liveaboard #sailboat #raymarineuk #zipline #ziplineadventure #mountains #montenegro #boatyard #submarine #boatwork #boat #marineelectronics #winteradventure #boatlife

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