Hitchhiking & Lunch with the G [...]
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Owner: Gone with the Wynns

Hitchhiking & Lunch with the GODS! || Huahine, Society Islands French Polynesia


Location: Huahine Yacht Club
Latitude: -16.71000000
Longitude: -151.04000000
Published: 14 Apr 2019

We’re embracing each new island like a field trip. So, lace up your comfy shoes, grab your raincoat and lets go on walkabout around the island of Huahine.
MORE DEETS on the BLOG post: https://gonewiththewynns.com/lunch-with-gods-huahine
JOIN OUR SAILING CREW ⛵ http://bit.ly/join-gwtw


Main Cam: https://amzn.to/2QAHxwx 
Second Cam: gonewiththewynns.com/product/productsony-dsc-rx100m-iii-cyber-shot-digital-still-camera
Super Fancy Action Cam: https://amzn.to/2IwASPe
Gimbal For Action Cam: https://amzn.to/2IwxEv2
Drone: https://amzn.to/2VQ2pzi

🎶 AWESOME tunes for vids: http://bit.ly/artlist-gwtw
Artists:  Michael Shynes, Giants and Pilgrims, Ian Post, Cody Martin, Boheme
*Additional Music:
Ukulele Song Recorded at the Art Expo
Background Song: Singin In The Rain (Bangerz Trap Remix) http://thebangerz.com/

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GET SOCIAL with us 📱 http://bit.ly/gwtw-social
WANT MORE? Check out our SWEET Site: http://bit.ly/gwtw-home


Hitchhiking on these small islands is a common way to get around and a fantastic way to meet locals.  Even before the rain started, we had at least a few people stop to offer us rides.  We were happy to stretch our legs and take in the place at a walking pace.  Plus, how are we going to ask to be dropped off at the blue eyed eels when we don't speak Tahitian or French?!?  But, once the weather turned, we were stoked they were keen to pick up a couple of soggy Americans.

Shared with LOVE 💕 from all of us here aboard s/v Curiosity,
- Jason, Nikki, Cleo and Singa 😻

❗❗ You can always find exclusive photos, experiential tips, honest opinions & links to our favorite gear on our website: http://bit.ly/gwtw-home ❗❗


Enjoy our vids? Want to give us a virtual high-five? Treat us to an espresso? Or pitch in on a tank of fuel? Click over to see how you can support our productions (most of the ways won’t cost you a dime): http://bit.ly/join-gwtw

If you wanna get social with us we're all over the place, hop in and join the adventure here: http://bit.ly/gwtw-social

Without your support we wouldn’t be here…so, THANK YOU from the bottom of our salty hearts. 😍

#GoneWithTheWynns #Sailing #FrenchPolynesia


© Gone With the Wynns 2019

