Beyond Newton Cove... Way Beyo [...]
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Owner: Sailing Cosmic Debris

Beyond Newton Cove... Way Beyond – Ep 1 (since a long time)


Location: Ucluelet
Latitude: 48.94000000
Longitude: -125.55000000
Published: 21 Dec 2022

With June quickly running out of days and our extended time at Newton Cove coming to a close, the last major project was done to the point of being functional and weatherproof. That meant only one thing, it was time to prepare to exit stage right, and then another right, and then a left. Our immediate destination was Ucluelet, two days to the southwest, away, with a stop in Hot springs Cove for the night. Beyond Newton Cove and Ucluelet – Mexico!

#SailingInfidels, #vancouverisland, #PacificSailing, #britishcolumbiacanada #CorbinSailboats, #canadiansailor, #sailingmexico

