Crossing the World’s LARGEST O [...]
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Owner: Sailing SV Delos

Crossing the World’s LARGEST OCEAN…What It Takes To Be Ready: Part 1⛵️ Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 414


Location: The Sea of Cortez
Latitude: 26.23000000
Longitude: -111.04000000
Published: 26 May 2023

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Today’s video is part 1 of 2 as we document the process of preparing Delos and us for our Pacific Crossing. Stoke levels were ridiculous on board as the reality of the undertaking ahead of us began to sank in. We arrive to La Paz and immediately dive in to our never ending list of boat jobs like provisioning all the dry goods, trying to get to the bottom of our faulty transmission (this saga will continue into next week’s episode 😂), taking down our beloved dome, and going through and checking everything in our ditch kit to make sure we have everything we need in case of an emergency. And speaking of our ditch kit, we’ve always had a downloadable PDF on our website of everything we keep in our ditch kit, but we’ve gone one step further and we made an Amazon Storefront where you can see everything listed in one page and order straight from there. We’ve also got other categories of things like camera gear that we use, essential tools, our favorite cruising gear, galley gadgets, stuff for kiddos and more. You can check it out at

It’s been so great to relive the excitement that we felt before the crossing. The only longer passage we’ve done since having Sierra was from Mexico to Panama, so we had so many emotions running through us as we prepared to spend 3 weeks at sea. We hope you enjoy sharing in the excitement with us as we get closer and closer to departure day!

Check out Hannah's YouTube channel!

Download our provisioning list, ditch kit list, and marine distress communication form:

Check out our brand spankin' new amazon storefront:

Watch our 4 part docu-series:
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We're completing our sail around the world, so there's plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process :) - Recommended Camera gear! - Subscribe to our new awesome website. - Behind the scenes. - Like us on Facebook - Support us buy a sweet Delos T-shirt!

