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Owner: Sailing SV Delos

WE NEED A HOSPITAL 🚨 NO HELP In Sight...Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 397


Location: The Sea of Cortez
Latitude: 26.23000000
Longitude: -111.04000000
Published: 20 Jan 2023

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ISOLATION. It's one of the reasons we've chosen to spend our lives at sea...sailing thousands upon thousands of miles to explore the farthest reaches of the earth, finding little pockets of peace, solitude, and unbelievable beauty away from the hustle and bustle of civilisation. But what happens when things go wrong, and the same isolation you were seeking is now what stands between you and getting help when the person you love most in the world is having a medical emergency.

We've had a few other sketchy situations over the years, but this one really hit home and made us realize how vulnerable we really are when we're off the grid. In this case we were about ten hours of travel away from medical care...but we've often been much further away from civilization like an ocean crossing for example. So as stressful as it was, looking back on it we felt so lucky that we were able to get the help we needed. And since many of you are current or future cruisers, we just wanted to also take this time to encourage you to make sure you have a thorough and well organized medical kit on board, and that you know what you have and how to use it. This is our go to resource that we keep on board, we highly recommend you pick up a copy or something similar. It's called Advanced First Aid Afloat and it focuses on how to handle almost any medical situation you might encounter at sea without access to help from a medical professional.

Here's a link to find it on Amazon:


We also made an episode all about our medical kit and what we keep on board:


And we have a post on our website with a rundown of the contents of our medical kit plus lots of other great info (just scroll down a little bit to "Offshore Medical Kit")


Watch our 4 part docu-series:
Protect yourself from the sun!

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We're completing our sail around the world, so there's plenty more to see! Your support will fund better camera gear, internet to upload videos, and of course creative lubricants to smooth the editing process :)

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