Let The Warranty Work Begin...
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Owner: Gone with the Wynns

Let The Warranty Work Begin...


Location: Cebu Marine Industry Inc.
Latitude: 10.46000000
Longitude: 123.69000000
Published: 1 Sep 2024

Sailing into Cebu for Warranty Work. If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor. Click
https://betterhelp.com/gonewiththewynns for a discount on your first month of therapy.

If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed,
their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the
YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:

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⛵Our Catamaran

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🎶 MUSIC for vids.
2 Months Free: https://bit.ly/artlist-GWTW

🎨 Creative Assets for Vids (SFX, Templates & Presets):
- https://bit.ly/motion-array-GWTW

🎽GET YOUR SWAG ON: https://gonewiththewynns.teemill.com/


We have finally made it to the HH Catamarans factory in Cebu. This has been the longest 469 mile sail of my life! (slight exaggeration) But it very well may be our slowest. 🐌 With minimal wind, our current prop pitch and sick engines, most days we only averaged 4 to 5kts.

But, that is why we are here! We are eager to get our motors diagnosed, our prop pitch adjusted and soooo much more.

The good news is, because we had so many chill days of motor sailing, we've been able to keep up with video editing, pack all our belongings away and prepare the boat for haul out.


WE’RE JASON AND NIKKI WYNN. A couple of explorers, modern-day documentarians, and cultivators of curiosity.

We’ve been chasing our curiosity around the world on wheels and keels since 2011. Why? Because curiosity is the key to unlocking life. It pushes us outside our comfort zone, softens our assumptions, and helps us embrace the great unknown. The more we let our curiosity lead the way, the more we discover about ourselves and the world around us.

Things We're Most Curious About...

Our home is also our transportation and we spend weeks away from civilization and sometimes land. So self-reliance and sustainable living are a must. We've learned heaps about renewable energy, managing waste, creating safe drinking water and foraging for food. We carefully manage our resources and we’re always looking for new and better ways to do so.

People are busy (even on remote islands) and travelers are a dime a dozen. It takes time to talk to strangers, and even more time to have a real connection. Going the extra mile to get to know someone is a commitment.

Which is why these are our most treasured experiences. Setting off into the world with curiosity as our guide and nature as our compass. We talk to strangers and accept hospitality without fear or reservations. Both giving and receiving.

These are people who are doing things differently. Forgoing the mainstream, seeking freedom and living on the margins. Creative, unique and inspiring people who challenge our ideas of home and community.

Our journey is ever-evolving but the mission remains the same: #CultivateCuriosity

Timestamps if you like to Jump Around:

00:00 Final Sail to HH Cebu Factory
01:03 Sailing & Preparing for HaulOut
03:31 Uncertainty About Warranty Work
05:31 Rough Anchorage & Dropping off Joshua
08:20 Moving off the Boat for Warranty Repairs
12:37 Meeting the HH Warranty Crew
15:09 Haul Out our Sailboat in Cebu
18:22 HH Warranty Work Process
20:22 Our Plans in Cebu
22:26 Back at the HH Cebu Factory


#BoatLife #Catamaran #Sailboat #Travel #LifeStyle

© Gone With the Wynns 2024
