The HARDEST Decision When Buyi [...]
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Owner: Gone with the Wynns

The HARDEST Decision When Buying A Catamaran (mini keel, winglets, daggerboards)


Location: Xiamen
Latitude: 24.48000000
Longitude: 118.09000000
Published: 2 Jul 2023

To get or not to get daggerboards, that is the question.  It was one we had to ponder for weeks on our HH44 Catamaran.  Especially because of this other option called winglets.

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Curiosity 2 is a hybrid electric HH44 Catamaran splashing late summer of 2023.

The biggest benefit to hanging around such a bespoke boat factory is the unfettered access to some of the world’s leading experts.  Because it seems there are new specialists coming in to collaborate on different boats every month.

And lucky us, we managed to make friends with Erik Berzins while he was visiting the factory.  He is a Yacht designer and all-around incredible engineer at Morrelli & Melvin.  If you know who M&M is, then you already know they are regarded as some of the best designers in the world.  And wow, we learned heaps about all things sailing while carpooling to the factory and exploring on weekends together.

He designs and manages a wide variety of projects including some very cutting-edge multihulls with mighty fancy appendages (daggerboards, foils, winglets, rudders).  And considering we wanted to make a video explaining why we choose NOT to get daggerboards…we knew he was just the person to help us break down exactly what all these different appendages do.

To get or not to get daggerboards, that is the question.  And it was a huge, difficult decision we had to ponder for weeks.  Especially because of this other option we never knew about called winglets.


WE’RE JASON AND NIKKI WYNN. A couple of modern-day documentarians, perpetual travelers, and seekers of tall tales.

We’ve been chasing our curiosity around the world on wheels and keels since 2011. Why? Because curiosity is the key to unlocking life. It pushes us outside our comfort zone, softens our assumptions, and helps us embrace the great unknown. The more we let our curiosity lead the way, the more we discover about ourselves and the world around us.

Our home is also our transportation and we spend weeks away from civilization and sometimes land. Self-reliance and living a sustainable lifestyle are a must. It's all about managing our resources and we’re always looking for new and better ways to do so.

We've lived off the grid for over 10 years now in everything from a Van to an RV to a Sailboat. Over time we have learned a lot about renewable energy, creating safe drinking water, and managing our waste.

Our journey is ever-evolving but the mission remains the same: #CultivateCuriosity

Timestamps if you like to Jump Around:

00:00 Catamarans: It's Daggerboards or Nothing!
00:48 Meet Erik Berzins Yacht Designer Extraordinaire
01:54 What Are Appendages on a Sailboat?
03:07 Benefits of Mini Keels on a Catamaran
05:32 Benefits of Winglets on Mini Keels
09:13 Benefits of Daggerboards (Asymmetrical & Symmetrical)
11:23 Best Daggerboard Design: Straight vs Curved Daggerboards
15:02 What Appendage is the Best: Daggerboard vs Mini Keel
16:08 Modern Chinese Tea House
16:51 Why We Chose Winglets over Daggerboards
19:44 Are Winglets on a Catamaran Strong?
21:13 Winglets on Monohull Sailboats?
23:54 Did We Make a Mistake Buying a Catamaran without Daggerboards?


#BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats

© Gone With the Wynns 2023

