Avoiding Mistakes: Japanese Bo [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

Avoiding Mistakes: Japanese Boat Ownership Guidelines


Location: Tanabe
Latitude: 33.73000000
Longitude: 135.38000000
Published: 12 Apr 2021

I have spent countless hours, no, days and weeks trying to figure out how to legally sail my bot Japanese Registered sail boat offshore and to Canada. I naively thought that I could buy the boat of my choice and sail off into the sunset. Not so. At least not in Japan. This video is simply a summary of what I have learned so far. I realize that it is a unique subject and most will not be interested but in case there are others who are considering buying a Japanese boat to take offshore, I thought I would compile my thoughts in this video.

While I am trying to navigate the Japanese and Canadian rules viz a viz pleasure boats, I am sailing the coast line of Japan experiencing its wonderfully secluded and beautiful harbors seeing Japan from a different perspective. I have cycled much of Japan`s coastline so to see those challenging hills from the `comfort` of the sea is fun!.

I hope this video is helpful to some and is not meant to discourage but simply inform and perhaps enable someone to have an easier process of it than me.

Here are the links mentioned in the Video

If you prefer to read, please go to my blog where I outline my decision and plans, and issues to face.
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Thanks to Lago Films for producing this season:

These videos are made possible by my Patrons: Trevor Webster, Steve Houck, Johny Gwin, Michael Coombs, Kats Honda, Nemanja Komatinovic, Robin Mah, John King, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr, Chad Welker

Thanks to all those making this voyage possible:
Keel Club Founding Members: Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
And all my sponsors:
Premium Sponsors: UFC GYM Japan and GRHH
Tier One: Westlund Group, Tokyo Super Cars, Foodsaver & VERSA
Tier Two: Dormeo and Merlin Solar
Tier 3: GDI Communications, Rob Claar, The Aussies
Tier 4: Mike Alfant, Jim Weisser, Doug Hymas, Ted Carlson, Steve Houck,

and partial Sponsorship Satcom Global ( Iridium 9575) and DICS (Liferaft)

If you want to consider ways to support this project please visit:


Purchase Pacific Solo swag here:

Blog: http://pacificsolo.com​​​​​ solo sailing

Find me on Facebook:
And on Instagram:

Thanks to Lago Films for producing the main episodes this season:

