Cruising Coastal Waters summ [...]
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Owner: Pacific Solo

Cruising Coastal Waters summer sailing fun


Location: Tokyo Bay
Latitude: 35.53000000
Longitude: 139.89000000
Published: 4 Sep 2020

On day three of my blue-water adventure, we left Oshima Island and set sail for Hota, which is on the Eastern side of Tokyo Bay and Western coast of the Chiba Peninsula. After about a 7-hour cruise, we stopped and practiced anchoring and swam in the deep teal-blue water.

I had a bit of a fright with the engine -- it wouldn't start! Fortunately, we found a rather MacGyver-like fix, and all it took was a screwdriver.

Enjoy the episode, everyone!

Oh, and stay tuned for an important announcement Sept 13th!

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Thank you to the Keel Club Founding Members:

Harry A. Hill / BetterU / Tokyo Supercars
and our Patrons: Trevor Webster, Johny Gwin, Nemanja Komatinovic, Robin Mah, John King, J29BlackJack, Sumie and William Zies, David LaHeist, Claude Strobbe, Bruce McCaughan, Jeffrey Behr

Thanks to the Kickstarter Backers who made this episode possible
Producers: Ted Carlson and Steve Houck
Senior Associate Producers: Miyu Suzuki, James McNally and Kande Sheppard
Associate Producers: Mark Wang, Nikolay Gritsenko, Marisa Gelencser, Gene Raitt, Anthony Hardie, Guest 1147358951

( travel vlog, sailing, Pacific Solo, sailing vlog, yachting, boating )

